About 2 years ago I wanted to create an easier way for guests to get online via my guest WiFi network. I use Ubiquiti / UniFi for my entire network infrastructure, so the possibilities were there. Initially, the thought was to just create a static graphic, print it out, put it in a frame, and be done. But that’s not fun, nor is it in the spirit of the homelab. Not to mention, it doesn’t automatically update, so your code is only good until you change it in the system, then you need to print another copy, replace the one in the frame, etc., etc. No fun.
So what do we do instead? Well, I had reached out on reddit and asked for some ideas on an e-ink solution, and I hit the jackpot. Original post here. Thanks to /u/eibw3n!!
So I created an e-ink display that can pull the configuration from my server and display it all automatically!
I’ll include links to the scripts / software that I used, but this post isn’t going to be about how to get some of the pieces to work. This post is primarily on the scripts to make the image and the Arduino code that runs on the frame.
While you don’t NEED Unifi, this post assumes that you’re using Unifi Network Manager to run the environment. Really all you need at the end of the day is the text of your SSID, and the SSID Encryption Key.
Hardware / Software / APIs Used:
- My GitHub Repository for this Project (GuestWifiTools)
- Inkplate 6COLOR
- Note that the 6COLOR isn’t required (and might not be desirable to some). Screen refreshes on the color variant take almost 15 seconds. The regular black and white one does them as fast as 1 second.
- A ton of stuff from the inkplate arduino sample github
- Unifi Network Manager v7.3.76
- UniFi API Browser v2.0.18
- UniFi API Client v1.1.79
- php-qrcode by Psyon (latest)
General Flow
Full disclaimer, this isn’t the cleanest way to do this by ANY stretch of the imagination, BUT, I already had some of the pieces of this, so rather than re-invent the wheel, I re-used much of the code I already had.
First step is to get the SSID & SSID Key, and create the necessary image files. Note that I took the key and placed it into a text file for comparison purposes so that I knew whether or not I actually had to call the “redraw display” function. I wanted to minimize the calls to that to as little as possible because they take FOREVER to execute.
Note that in the code below, you can use any method you want to set the values of CURR_KEY, NEW_KEY, and the input to qrencode (around line 14). The syntax is:
CURR_KEY=`cat $TRIGGER_DIR/currentKey.txt`
NEW_KEY=$( php $BASE_DIR/my-qr_guest_key.php ) #this uses an existing script that I have to get the text of the SSID Key.
if [ $CURR_KEY != $NEW_KEY ]; then
#echo "Keys DO NOT Match!"
convert -size 560x60 xc:white -gravity center -font Palatino-Bold -pointsize 42 -fill black -draw "text 0,0 'Guest Wifi'" $OUTPUT_DIR/headerImg.png
convert -size 560x40 xc:white -gravity center -font Palatino-Bold -pointsize 32 -fill black -draw "text 0,0 'SSID: $( php $BASE_DIR/my-qr_guest_ssid.php )'" $OUTPUT_DIR/ssidImg.png
php my-qr_guest.php | qrencode -m1 -s8 -o $OUTPUT_DIR/guestCode.png
convert -size 560x40 xc:white -gravity center -font Palatino-Bold -pointsize 32 -fill black -draw "text 0,0 'KEY: $( php $BASE_DIR/my-qr_guest_key.php )'" $OUTPUT_DIR/keyImg.png
convert -size 560x240 xc:white $OUTPUT_DIR/fillerImg.png
convert -bordercolor green -border 4 $OUTPUT_DIR/headerImg.png $OUTPUT_DIR/headerImg.png
convert -append $OUTPUT_DIR/headerImg.png $OUTPUT_DIR/ssidImg.png $OUTPUT_DIR/fillerImg.png $OUTPUT_DIR/keyImg.png $OUTPUT_DIR/mypage.png
composite -gravity north $OUTPUT_DIR/guestCode.png -geometry +0+104 $OUTPUT_DIR/mypage.png $OUTPUT_DIR/mypage.png
convert -bordercolor green -border 4 $OUTPUT_DIR/mypage.png $OUTPUT_DIR/finalCode.png
echo $NEW_KEY > $TRIGGER_DIR/currentKey.txt
echo $NEW_KEY > $OUTPUT_DIR/currentKey.txt
echo `date +%s` > $OUTPUT_DIR/lastChange.txt
I use the above file in a cron job to generate the new graphic every 5 minutes. This is obviously overkill, but I haven’t yet scripted a way for me to change the key via a command line option, so this guarantees that I don’t have a graphic go stale for longer than 5 min after I set it in the Unifi Web Interface.
Then from there, all you need is the Arduino code. The code below will do the following:
- Establish a WiFi Connection to your trusted network.
- Set it’s time from the internet (note the timezone settings toward the top.
- Get the current key from the web server, and check that key.
- If that key is different than what we saw at the last wakeup, we draw the screen.
- If it’s not, then we go back to sleep, unless it was a manual wakeup or we’ve woken up 8 times (configurable), we force a refresh.
- We go back to sleep until the event timer expires again.
The boot count and ssid key are stored in the preferences space aboard the arduino, which means that it will remain resident even through hard power cycles.
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <Timezone.h>
#include <Inkplate.h>
#include <Preferences.h>
#define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000LL
#define sleepInSeconds 3600
///////////////////////// CUSTOM FUNCTION TO GET VOLTAGE TO WORK ON INKPAPER 6COLOR /////////////////////////
// Currently needed as the new port multiplexer is not supported by the default library yet:
// https://github.com/SolderedElectronics/Inkplate-Arduino-library/issues/169#issuecomment-1331716568
// Combined with the following open PR: https://github.com/SolderedElectronics/Inkplate-Arduino-library/pull/171/commits/124462fdf49963d7227881cc4a28c28f4ff40f6e
void pcal6416ModifyReg(uint8_t _reg, uint8_t _bit, uint8_t _state)
uint8_t reg;
uint8_t mask;
const uint8_t pcalAddress = 0b00100000;
Wire.requestFrom(pcalAddress, (uint8_t)1);
reg = Wire.read();
mask = 1 << _bit;
reg = ((reg & ~mask) | (_state << _bit));
double readBatteryVoltage()
// Set PCAL P1-1 to output. Do a ready-modify-write operation.
pcal6416ModifyReg(0x07, 1, 0);
// Set pin P1-1 to the high -> enable MOSFET for battrey voltage measurement.
pcal6416ModifyReg(0x03, 1, 1);
// Wait a little bit
// Read analog voltage. Battery measurement is connected to the GPIO35 on the ESP32.
uint32_t batt_mv = analogReadMilliVolts(35);
// Turn off the MOSFET.
pcal6416ModifyReg(0x03, 1, 0);
// Calculate the voltage
return (double(batt_mv) / 1000 * 2);
/////////////////////// END CUSTOM FUNCTION TO GET VOLTAGE TO WORK ON INKPAPER 6COLOR ///////////////////////
char server[] = "YOUR WEBSERVER GOES HERE";
char keyfileName[] = "currentKey.txt";
char displayGuestImage[] = "YOUR WEBSERVER GOES HERE/finalCode.png";
// Replace with your network credentials
const char* ssid = "TRUSTED WIFI SSID";
const char* password = "TRUSTED WIFI KEY";
// NTP server to request epoch time
const char* ntpServer = "TIME SERVER";
// Variable to save current epoch time
unsigned long epochTime;
//TimeZone Config Info
TimeChangeRule usDT = {"EDT", Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -240}; //UTC - 4 hours
TimeChangeRule usST = {"EST", First, Sun, Nov, 2, -300}; //UTC - 5 hours
Timezone myLocalTimeZone(usDT, usST);
//Existing SSID Key from Preferences
String oldSSIDKey;
//value used to store current key from server
char currKeyVal [255];
String finalKeyVal;
//Boot Counter to ensure screen updates at least once every X hours.
int bootCounter = 0;
int desiredWakeupCount = 8;
//Declare the WiFiClient Object
WiFiClient myClient;
//Declare Preferences Namespace
Preferences preferences;
// Declare Inkplate object
Inkplate display;
// Function that gets current epoch time
unsigned long getTime() {
time_t now;
struct tm timeinfo;
if (!getLocalTime(&timeinfo)) {
//Serial.println("Failed to obtain time");
return now;
// Initialize WiFi
void initWiFi() {
Serial.println("Initial Delay of 5 seconds...");
Serial.println("Exiting Initial Delay of 5 seconds...");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.println("SETTING UP & INIT VARS...");
Serial.print("Connecting to WiFi ");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println((String)"WiFI SSID is: " + WiFi.SSID());
Serial.println((String)"WiFI IP is: " + WiFi.localIP().toString());
Serial.println((String)"DNS IP is: " + WiFi.dnsIP().toString());
Serial.println("WIFI INIT Complete...");
void getSSID() {
if (myClient.connect(server, 80)) {
Serial.println((String)"Connected to: " + server);
// Make a HTTP request:
myClient.println((String)"GET /" + keyfileName + (String)" HTTP/1.0");
myClient.println((String)"Host: " + server);
// wait for data to be available
unsigned long timeout = millis();
while (myClient.available() == 0) {
if (millis() - timeout > 5000) {
Serial.println(">>> Client Timeout !");
// Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial
Serial.println("Getting current Guest SSID Key...");
while (myClient.available()) {
char ch = static_cast<char>(myClient.read());
if (ch == '\n') {
ch = myClient.read();
if (ch == '\r') {
ch = myClient.read();
if (ch == '\n') {
int keyCount = 0;
while(myClient.available()) {
currKeyVal[keyCount] = myClient.read();
finalKeyVal = String(currKeyVal);
// Close the connection
Serial.println("Key Acquired. Closing Connection...");
void reDrawScreen() {
// Initialize Inkplate
display.begin(); // Init Inkplate library (you should call this function ONLY ONCE)
display.clearDisplay(); // Clear frame buffer of display
//display.display(); // Put clear image on display
if (!display.drawImage(displayGuestImage, 11, 15, false, false))
// If is something failed (wrong filename or format), write error message on the screen.
display.println("Image open error");
// Read battery voltage (NOTE: Doe to ESP32 ADC accuracy, you should calibrate the ADC!)
float voltage;
voltage = readBatteryVoltage();
time_t myLocalTime;
myLocalTime = myLocalTimeZone.toLocal(epochTime);
Serial.println((String)"Epoch Time: " + epochTime);
Serial.println((String)"Local Time: " + myLocalTime);
display.setCursor(12, 425);
display.print("Last Updated: ");
display.printf("%02d", month(myLocalTime));
display.printf("%02d", day(myLocalTime));
display.print(" @ ");
display.printf("%02d", hour(myLocalTime));
display.printf("%02d", minute(myLocalTime));
display.setCursor(520, 425);
if (voltage >= 3.3) {
display.print(voltage, 2); // Print battery voltage
else {
display.print("LOW"); // Print the word LOW
Serial.println("Updating Display...");
display.display(); // Send everything to display (refresh the screen)
Serial.println((String)"Voltage is: " + voltage);
void setup() {
Serial.println((String)"WAKE UP REASON: " + esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause());
configTime(0, 0, ntpServer);
epochTime = getTime();
//Serial.println((String)"Epoch Time: " + epochTime);
preferences.begin("ssidSpace", false);
oldSSIDKey = preferences.getString("ssidKey", "");
bootCounter = preferences.getInt("bootCounter", 0);
Serial.println((String)"BOOT COUNT IS: " + bootCounter);
//Serial.println((String)"OLD SSID KEY IS: " + oldSSIDKey);
//Serial.println((String)"NEW SSID KEY IS: " + finalKeyVal);
if ((oldSSIDKey == finalKeyVal) && (esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause() != 2) && (bootCounter < desiredWakeupCount)) {
Serial.println((String)"Keys Match. No Update Required.");
preferences.putInt("bootCounter", bootCounter);
else {
Serial.println((String)"Keys DO NOT Match, Asked for a Manual Update, or Boot Count exceeded. Update Required!!");
preferences.putString("ssidKey", finalKeyVal);
preferences.putInt("bootCounter", 0);
Serial.println("Going to sleep...");
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleepInSeconds * uS_TO_S_FACTOR);
esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_36, LOW);
void loop() {
// Never here, as deepsleep restarts esp32
End Result

This was a fun project and something that I’ve wanted to complete for years. I know this isn’t my best documentation work, but I figured that people would find it interesting, so they may want to take a look.
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed reading!