Testing posting from my Blackberry

So, I’m looking through the blogs I follow, and what do I see, but a page about a blackberry client for wordpress! This is the main reason why I haven’t been blogging so much. Right now, work is extremely busy, and I don’t have much time, or care, to *play* on the computer when I get home. I usually just want to unwind and relax.

But those of you who know me, know that I *always* have my blackberry on me. I’ve been searching for a blackberry client for WordPress since I’ve had a blackberry, and there are options. There aren’t many clients, and to be honest they all pretty much suck.

Tonight, while searching the blogs, I came across the piece of software that I’m using right now to write this post. It seems perfect. Its lightweight and responsive, yet supports just about anything I’d like to post. For anyone interested, the website to get the program is: WordPress App for the Blackberry

I’ll keep you… Posted…